Thursday, September 18, 2008

Debate on the Resurrection: Craig vs. Crossley

There is a debate between William Lane Craig and James Crossley about the resurrection of Jesus, available in video format.

The burial of Jesus is of particular interest because of its relevance to what the Gospels and other ancient sourcess say happened after that, so those interested in my book will presumably also find this debate interesting - and vice versa, those who find this debate interesting will hopefully find The Burial of Jesus interesting, since a number of issues related to the historical character of Jesus' burial are extremely important to any consideration of the rise of Christian belief in Jesus' resurrection.


Jim said...

fascinating indeed. how, pray tell, did you happen to find this jewel?

James F. McGrath said...

It was on your blog, and Euangelion, and I can't remember where else - which is why I linked to both of you, but didn't give a specific hat tip to one or the other, since I couldn't remember where I saw it first! :)

I've been meaning to ask you, are there plans for a bibliobloggers' get-together at SBL in Boston?

Jim said...

until i learned that i was to participate in a denominational meeting that same week i was working on it. however, i passed the baton to chris brady and he's now working on it.

James F. McGrath said...

Thanks for letting me know. Presumably Chris will respond to my question I just asked on Exploring Our Matrix, mere seconds before you left this comment.

I'm sorry to hear you won't be at SBL this year...

Brian said...

Full MP3 Audio of the debate between Craig and Crossley can be found at